
Teaching Experience

Summer 2024: BA Course "Promised, broken? The Meaning of Election Pledges from a Comparative Perspective", Unversity of Göttingen, Language: German

Winter 2023/2024: BA Lecture and Seminar: Methods and Statistics in Political Science, University of Trier, Language: German

Summer 2023:

  • BA Seminar: The Political System of the Czech Republic, University of Trier, Language: German
  • MA Seminar: Media Democracy and Electoral Promises, University of Trier, Language: German

Winter 2022/2023: BA Lecture and Seminar: Methods and Statistics in Political Science, University of Trier, Language: German

Summer 2022: BA Course "Promised, broken? The Meaning of Election Pledges from a Comparative Perspective", Unversity of Trier, Language: German

Winter 2021/2022: BA Course "Political Participation", University of Mannheim, Language: German

Summer 2021: BA Course "Measuring party preferences: from electoral programmes to positions", University of Mannheim, Language: English

Winter 2020/2021: BA Course "Introduction to Scientific Writing", University of Mannheim, Language: German

Winter 2018/2019: BA Course "Democratic Representation", Humboldt-University of Berlin, Language: German

2015/2016: Presentation of the Manifesto Project’s methodology at various classes at the HU Berlin

Didactic Training

09/2020: Webinar on "Digital Interaction and Collaboration", University of Lucerne

11/2019: Workshop on "Creative methods of teaching", HU Berlin