Curriculum Vitae

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Current Position

Since 05/2024 Assistant Professor (W1) for Empirical Democracy Research, University of Göttingen.


Education and Academic Career (selection)

2022-2024 Assistant Professor (W1) for Empirical Democracy Research, University of Trier.

2020 - 2022 Postdoc Fellow at the Research Department B "European Political Systems and their Integration", MZES Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung.

03/2020  Doctorate Thesis on “Retrospective pledge voting: how voters punish government parties for breaking their pledges.” Grade: Summa cum laude, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels, Humboldt-University of Berlin.

2015 - 2020 Research Fellow at the DFG research project “Manifesto Research on Political Representation”(MARPOR), Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

2015 Master of Arts Political Science, University of Potsdam.

2013 - 2015  Student research assistant at the DFG research project “Analysis of the Coordination Regimes in Parliamentary Democracies”, Prof. Dr. Steffen Ganghof, Chair of Comparative Political Science, University of Potsdam.

2012 Bachelor of Arts Political Science and Philosophy, Technical University of Dresden.

2011 Visiting student, Sciences Po Lyon, France.


  • 10/2022 - 03/2023: Teaching Incentive Fund (TIF) from the University of Trier for the evolution of the methodological and statistical academic programme of the BA Political Science  (in cooperation with Dr. Lasse Cronqvist, overall funding volume: 2,546 €)
  • 06/2022 - 05/2025: ANR-DFG grant for the project 'Unequal mandate responsiveness? How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany' (in cooperation with Dr. Elisa Deiss-Helbig and Dr. Isabelle Guinaudeau, overall funding volume: 509,119€)
  • 10/2021 - 10/2023: DFG grant for the project 'Group targeting in election pledges' (GROUPTA) (in cooperation with Dr. Elisa Deiss-Helbig and Dr. Isabelle Guinaudeau, funding volume: 295,467 €)
  • 03/2016 - 03/2022: Two DFG grants for the Manifesto Project: 3rd funding period 2016-2019 and 4th funding period 2019-2022 (co-writing of application, principal applicants: Dr. Andrea Volkens, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels, overall funding volume: 2,455,423 €)


See here: Publications and Datasets.

Conferences (selection)


  • ECPR Joint session, "Social groups and electoral politics. Group appeals, targeted policy and voter responses" (with Dr. Elisa Deiss-Helbig & Dr. Isabelle Guinaudeau), April 2023, Toulouse.
  • Research colloquium of the "Trier Institute for Democracy and Party Research" (TIDUP), October 2022-Feburary 2023, Trier.
  • Research colloquia at the MZES, Research Department B, March-June 2021, Mannheim.
  • "5th Workshop on Research on Political Behaviour in Berlin and Brandenburg" (with Heiko Giebler), WZB Berlin, January 2020, Berlin.
  • "Text Analysis Workshop" (with Pola Lehmann, Werner Krause, Sven Regel, and Bernhard Weßels), WZB Berlin, September 2019, Berlin.
  • "The Manifesto User Conference 2019" (with Pola Lehmann, Werner Krause, and Sven Regel), WZB Berlin, March 2019, Berlin.
  • Panel "Vertrauen - Währung stabiler Demokratien?" at Dreiländertagung of the DVPW, ÖVPW and SVPW, February 2019, Zurich (with Katrin Praprotnik).
  • "The Manifesto Corpus Conference" (with Pola Lehmann, Nicolas Merz, andSven Regel), WZB Berlin, February 2018, Berlin.
  • "Workshop on Party Mandate Fulfilment at the WZB", November 2016, Berlin.


  • EPSA (Panels: Group Appeals and Political Persuasion; Methodological Advances in Text Analysis; Voter Evaluations and Coalition Governments; Disadvantaged Groups), July 2024, Cologne.
  • Manifesto Project User Conference (Panel: Performance & Output), November 2023, Gottingen.
  • EPSA (Panels: Polarizing parties, polarizing voters; Citizen views of policy-trade offs), June 2023, Glasgow.
  • ECPR (Panel: The role of social groups in politics: what parties offer and how voters respond), August 2022, Innsbruck.
  • EPSA (Panels: Coalitions and Minority Governments; Retrospective Voting and Accountability), June 2022, Prag.
  • Workshop on The Promises of Democracy (organised by Prof. Claudia Landwehr & Prof. Armin Schäfer), May 2022, Villa Vigoni, Italy.
  • Workshop on election pledges, December 2021, Virtual Conference.
  • EPSA (Panels: Political Representation; Winning Votes), June 2021, Virtual Conference.
  • ECPR General Conference (Panel: "Election Pledges, the Mass Media, and Electoral Outcomes"), August 2020, Virtual Conference.
  • EPSA (Panel: "Election Pledges and Voters"), June 2019, Belfast.
  • The Manifesto User Conference 2019 (Panel: "Representation"), March 2019,Berlin.
  • EPSA (Panel: "Electoral Effects of Party Competition"), June 2018, Vienna.
  • Political Behavioural Workshop - Berlin and Brandenburg (Panel: "Governments, Parties and Candidates"), November 2017, Berlin.
  • ECPR Graduate Conference (Panel: "Representation and Responsiveness"), July 2016, Tartu.

Media and other projects

See here: Media & Public Outreach